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Review: A Court of Thorns and Roses

A Court of Thorns and Roses
by: Sarah J. Maas  

4 stars

This book barely got a 4-star rating, which is the lowest I've ever gone for a Sarah J. Maas book. I go into a SJM book knowing that I'm going to fall in love with the characters, get really upset about something (she can seriously write a villain and ALL her characters are so dynamic and layered!), and that the last 25% of the book will leave me breathless. This book lived up to those expectations yet not quite in the same way as the TOG novels. I don't know if any series she writes will ever top my love of TOG but I've heard that ACOMAF (the next book in this trilogy) is incredible.

Overall, I really enjoyed the book it just was a truly slow start for me. But once I got about halfway through it really picked up. This is a book that if you stick with it--which honestly isn't hard even though it's slow, SJM writes amazing characters--it's worth it in the end. And the little love triangle forming--I'm very intrigued for ACOMAF. 


xo Sara

Curious about how I rate books? Read about my scale here. Warning: it's super scientific. 

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