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Friday Feature: A Dad's Perspective

Today marks the conclusion of this three-week series. I've brought you the perspective of a dad in the elementary years, a step-father who "stepped in" for two teenage girls and now I present someone I know really well. 

He's the father of two, a girl and a boy, who are 11 months a part. He's a graphic designer by day, rocker by weekend, full-time great dad. 

But I could be biased. 

Here he husband's perspective on fatherhood. 

Week Three of a Father's Perspective: Mr. Marc Mutchler  

(father of 2, Elena: 5 and Brandon: 4)

"The Hats We Wear"

I'm a guy who likes hats. Whether baseball, cadet, fedora, newsboy - at any given moment, they can reveal a mood, a style or particular statement for that day. As I approach my sixth Father's Day (gasp!) I'm also reminded of the many figurative hats I'm blessed to wear as a parent. They can change at a moment's notice, and may not always match my outfit.

In the proud tradition of the wonderful top 10 lists that have appeared in this incomparable web real estate (Sara did not make me write that), here are the Top 10 Hats I "wear" as a parent. 

11. Guest Blogger for wildly successful website

Oops, I said 10, didn't I?

10. Barber

After emotionally scarring many western metro residents with his relentless screaming at Kids Hair, we decided to bring Brandon's haircuts in-house. Unfortunately, this "comforting" change of scenery has not changed his attitude. Upon completion of this recurring project, I always feel some level of Everest-like accomplishment.

From the first time we cut his hair at the same barber shop I grew up going to in Milwaukee. Very little has changed. 

9. Motivational Speaker

Though food and/or cartoons can often be the focal point of my "motivational speeches", it's highly satisfying when everyone is suddenly on the same page - if only for a moment or two. But inevitably, chaos ensues and this hat quickly morphs into "Disciplinarian."

8. Fashion Consultant

A time-honored Saturday morning tradition has been hearing Sara quietly chuckle upon seeing my chosen outfits for the kids. I'm trying. Pink is pink, right? There's a reason "Hair Stylist" didn't make my Top 10.

My focus was green. And Packers. But of course Sara noticed the pants were 2 sizes too small, the shirt was 3 sizes too big and the greens didn't exactly match. Details. 

7. Coach

Though the plays I draw up are basic ("Kick it to THAT goal") it's awesome seeing them on green fields with painted lines. But rest easy, modern-day professional athletes, the Mutchler kids will not be taking your jobs any time soon.

6. Comedian

To a VERY specific audience of let's say, 2, and let's say, hypothetically, E and B, my material KILLS. For example, somehow a watered down (and dated) impression of The Simpsons' Luigi Rissoto, has become comedic gold in our household. The voice has also been identified by E as "Mother Goose"… if you can figure that one out, please email or call to fill us in.

5. Top Chef

Though often times more of a short order cook, the kids enjoy roughly 70% of what I put in front of them. I'll take it! Their love/acceptance of vegetables at this stage has to be a top 3 parenting accomplishment, right? Plus, recently the tears have stopped when presenting them with tacos… they ARE my children.

4. Sports Historian

Still too young to appreciate my vast knowledge of the 1987 Twins roster, E and B have taken a liking to the local ball club, which makes me smile. I suspect TC Bear has something to do with it. It's amazing symmetry that one of my favorite players as a kid, Paul Molitor, is now leading the team that my kids are just getting to know. Hopefully they're done witnessing 90+ loss seasons… a guy can dream.

It was also one of those kismet moments when E's assigned number for soccer was '34'--the number of another Twins player I idolized growing up. 

E's first Twins game, Father's Day 2011.

3. Music Teacher

Oddly enough, E and B's favorite chords on the guitar are… E and B! And I know those chords, so it works out quite well. Their growing love of music is inspiring to watch, seeing their eyes light up when hearing their "favorite song." B even knows Uptown Funk is over-played and E can identify a Bruce Springsteen song - so I'm doing something right!

2. Reading Teacher

Few things give me more joy than reading with E and B. Hearing them sound out words, ask "what's that?", or declare "no, I want to say this part" are truly some of the best parts of my day. I hope their love of books only grows as they do.

1. "Daddy"

What is it about one word that can just reset you, bring everything into focus, make everything right again? It's a simple thing, but after long days, it's the best medicine I could ever hope for. I'm lucky hearing it from two little voices, and it always puts everything in perspective.

I'm a perfectly imperfect parent, as someone once eloquently put it, but I'm learning every day. And though juggling these many hats isn't always smooth, I'm lucky to have amazing examples in my life for guidance. As a child, watching my Mom handle everything thrown her way, adjust and move forward with grace and poise was the most valuable lesson I could ask for. Now it's my turn to be the best guide I can be; a voice (funny or otherwise) for E and B to hear and know will always be there. Luckily, I have an amazing partner in crime who can do it all - wear ALL the hats I've forgotten, and do so with ease… and style. Because of that, it will always be a Happy Father's Day.


The morning that my husband sent this post to me I went from laughing to tearing up. I feel so lucky to have such a loving, fun, involved partner. However, now I feel like my Father's Day gift isn't enough. He deserves more than I could ever wrap up in a box or describe in a card. Perhaps, in some way, seeing my public declaration of love and appreciation is enough.

Ok, I'll throw in something for the grill. And a golfing accessory. And a tie. That's what every dad wants, right?

Have a wonderful weekend, friends. Celebrate those men in your life that were fathers to you in some way. Even if it's in remembrance. I'll be celebrating the 10 years I had with my dad, the 20+ I've had with my step-father and the 5+ years that I've had the joy of watching my husband be a dad.

And what do you know....we ALL like wearing hats! 


xo Sara

{P.S. Here's week one of this series featuring Jon and his opinions on the moments that really matter to him, and here's week two featuring my stepfather's take on coming into a family with two teenage girls.}

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