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Review: Gemina

by: Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

3 stars

A very entertaining book that went (almost) too fast. Just as in the first book, I loved the different format; the story was told via IM conversations and camera footage and even court records (and more!). Untraditional but highly entertaining. Didn't love it as much as the first, but still really enjoyed it. A different (yet still related) storyline than book one, but love the the eventual inclusion of book one characters. Biggest complaint was that the main characters of this book, at times, felt like imitations of Kady & Ezra, from book one.

Regardless, overall it was very entertaining and I'm looking forward to reading the final installment in this unique trilogy. 


xo Sara

Curious about how I rate books? Read about my scale here. Warning: it's super scientific. 

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