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Lovely Leaves

It's hard to be a Minnesotan sometimes. It's joked that we have 2 seasons: winter and road construction; that our state "bird" is the mosquito; and our professional sport teams...don't even get me started on them. 

But this autumn is what it's all about. It's why I love living here. We have four distinct seasons and I think spring and autumn are the best. Spring because we are all coming out of our hibernation that winter in the midwest brings and fall because Mother Nature uses our state as a beautiful canvas for her creations.

This year the colors have been some of the prettiest I've ever seen. It hasn't hurt that the weather has been beautiful and the backdrop of a bright blue sky perfectly offsets the bright oranges, yellows, reds, greens and even browns. I feel like I'm living in a painting every time I'm outside.

I think I'm enjoying this year's fall beauty even more because I missed it last year. I literally missed an entire season due to a little pneumonia and influenza. I became ill right when things were starting to turn and by the time I was up and functioning again a couple weeks later, it was snowing. Granted the snow started early, but still. It was very depressing to miss a season...especially fall. That last beautiful breath of fresh air before the frozen tundra. And although winter starts out with my favorite time of year (I love the holidays) it unfortunately doesn't end there. If only winter was November through January. I could handle that. 

Alas, it's not. So all the more reason to enjoy the beauty of the season. No looking forward. No looking back. Just living in the moment.

{Also, fun side note, this picture was featured online in a story showcasing some of the prettiest autumn photos from around the country. Somehow I managed to get on the list. Check it out here on Mashable, I'm number 18!}

When we discovered this road I immediately thought of a poem I remember reading in college. The first two stanzas are my favorite:
I hope this autumn has been as beautiful for you as it has been for me! 

xo Sara

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