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From Little Kid to the (pre)Teen Years

We officially have a(nother) preteen in the house. And this one is stinging a little.

Mainly because that brings the “little kid” years to an official end. We are entering a new phase and while I love so much about having “big kids” now, it’s also hard to say goodbye to the phase that started it all. The phase I actually never thought we’d get out of. The phase that at times felt impossible…but was our whole world for so long.

The cooing and baby babble, the fingers clenched around my finger, the baby smell and cuddles, the lack of sleep, the little toddler legs running around the house always holding a toy (usually a ball or a car), more food under the highchair (and in Copper’s belly) than in B, endless firsts (words, steps, teeth, school, sports, etc), so many illnesses (colds, flus, ear infections, strep throat, fevers, etc.), thinking we are the coolest, funniest people in the world, handholding, “mommy” and “daddy,” Mickey Mouse and Paw Patrol, Cars, Wall-E, Star Wars, following E around, wanting to play with her, always being outside, throwing the ball around.

My sweet B. How can he be 12 already? I know parents constantly say this but it’s so true… I don’t know where the time goes. Wasn’t he just running down the block, excitedly greeting his sister as she finished her day in Kindergarten? How is he on the cusp of middle school???

One thing that doesn’t change is B’s quick wit and sweetness. He truly is a kind, loving, funny young man. Here are some quotes and moments from the year that was.

Always good to start with a classic…B talking about food.

“Ok I just might do the impossible: bread, then pasta, now pizza.”

In fact, at Easter, he decided that dessert meant one of everything and no need for a small dessert plate when a dinner plate is a much better idea!

Calling it as he sees it.

I ask Marc for something.

Marc: Is that a demand?

Me: No, I’m just informing you.

B: Well, you know, your informing sure sounds like a demand.

More of B just stating facts.

Marc: (After getting a ball at a baseball game) You’re lucky!

B: I make my own luck. 

Big year in basketball…B made a game-tying 3-point shot during a tournament to force OT that resulted in a win and he was nominated to play on the Rising Stars team. So much fun cheering for B and the SLP team this year!

B joined band this year and had his first-ever band concert!

Leaving a very late Gophers game (almost midnight) & walking through a very active campus and by some fraternity houses.

“What are all these people doing up?! Aren’t they tired???”

B got to go on an epic baseball trip with his dad…800 miles, 7 states, 5 baseball games. This is the moment we told him about this surprise…he legit cried he was so happy.

B had some nice academic achievements, too, this year. One is that he participated in the Imagination Fair all 6 years he was at his elementary school! He even got special recognition from his principal and a blue ribbon for it.

Wanting to hang out with friends.

B: Do you think I can get together with some friends before the end of summer?

Me: Yes! Of course. I’ll call some friends & see if they want a play date. 

B: A hang out. Not a play date. 

Me: …

B: Ok maybe this is the last year you can call it a play date. Because next year in middle school it will be a little weird if you say “play date” because they’ll be like “how old are you???” 

Me: … (internally sobbing)

B’s genuine sweetness comes shining through daily.

“The best part of family vacations is seeing the people you love. The worst part is saying goodbye.”

He’s got a memory like his dad…filled with useless information.

Robert Palmer’s Simply Irresistible was playing on the radio and B says, “This is the song from the Arby’s commercial.”

The way he and E looooove matching.

B and E genuinely love hanging out, playing video games together, and trying to make each other laugh. I was going through E’s phone one evening and I found this video they made. I don’t know why it made me laugh so hard (and continues too!).

And paying me the greatest compliment ever (even though I don’t think he thought he was…) when I was wearing a summer dress and my converse shoes.

You don’t look like a mom, you look like a girl.

B, I hope you never lose your kindness and empathy. And that you always want to jump in a pile of leaves or freshly fallen snow. I admire how you take a moment for the small stuff in everything you do so much so that I’ve started doing that more, too. We love you so much and are so proud of you!